
Then and Now #3

O’Boisies are O’boisterous! That was the catch phrase, and it merely scratched the surface of encapsulating the heavenly crunchy tastiness of this now extinct potato chip. I have distinctly fond memories of cramming my face full of O’Boisie potato chips when I was younger. And then, suddenly, like a dreadful pall of darkness they were gone. I miss them…the tears are welling up even now.
They were made by Keebler elves, which was evident in every salty, crunchy bite. The magic these chips conjured in my mouth could only be that of elfish enchantment. My favorite was the sour cream and onion.
What ever happened to them?
It seems, based on my meager research, that O’Boisies were acquired by Poore Brothers in 1999. Personally, I don’t remember savoring them any time after 1994. Were they on the shelves of small grocery stores off the beaten trail until that dreaded year? We may never know. One thing I do know. They are gone, and nothing you say can ever bring them back again!
Sure, Poore Brothers’ chips are tasty, but are they O’boisterous?! Answer me that!

1 comment:

moose said...

By the way. I remember these but just to make sure I'm not crazy I looked up the definition for "O’boisterous". To my surprise there was none...hmm. What does that mean?